Friday, August 28, 2009

39 Weeks

Today we had what may be our last prenatal appointment. Everything seems to be going really well, I'm healthy and so is the baby... It's heartbeat the last few times has been around 152, don't know if that's supposed to mean it's a boy or a girl...? Gordie is working long hours trying to finish up projects before the baby comes and I've mainly been stockpiling food for the last couple of days. My amazing friend Jodie came out for a couple of days and we made granola, muffins, banana bread, lasagna, cookies and enchiladas. Gordie's pretty pumped...

I haven't been doing anything crazy to induce labor (eating pineapple, drinking raspberry leaf tea, taking castor oil). My midwife and I both agree that when my body & the baby are ready, things will happen naturally. I also promised my dad, who's in Amsterdam, that nothing would happen until he's home... That said, I really think that the baby will come pretty much on schedule. Is that naive of me?


  1. fast is supposed to mean a girl; slower is supposed to mean a boy. If I were a betting woman, I'd bet it's a girl. I don't know if 152 is fast or slow but I think it's fast.

    Have you guys thought of/picked out names yet? Care to share them with Great Auntie Mae?

  2. I know I voted boy but sometimes I can really picture you two with a girl... it's so hard to imagine either though eh! After all these months it still doesn't feel like next weekend there will be a grandbaby...

    So glad you got some food stocked up. John's offer to make a trip to M&M Meats still stands. : ) See you guys tomorrow!
