Monday, June 1, 2009

Just wanted to give everyone a visual of the little furnace living in my tummy. I get pictures emailed to me weekly from a baby site and this one is supposed to be at 26 weeks. I've been feeling lots of kicks and Gordie's even been able to feel a few. As of today, we are 95 days away from our due date.... Crazy!

It's been really hot here for the last week and I am definitely feeling it. Gordie bought a fan last night which seems to help a little but still... I've been daydreaming about air conditioning. Today I went for my gestational diabetes screen so hopefully I won't be getting a call back. I actually enjoyed waiting for the hour between drinking the orange potion and getting my blood drawn, mainly because the building was air conditioned.

Tummy and baby room pictures to come soon! We promise...