Tuesday, May 5, 2009


So, the star of this blog had a bit of a significant day a week back.. It was time to say hello to the camera for mommy & daddy... Apparently, this idea wasn't high on the priority list for our little monkey. When Age went with the ultrasound tech, I sat and waited... and waited... and waited. 

Adrianne came out with the update that apparently little monkey didn't feel like moving his/her head for a picture. Arms and legs were flailing, but our monkey just wanted to stay laying face down. The ultrasound tech told us we needed to put some food in Age's stomach, go for a walk, and jump around a little (Age, not me) to help prod some movement in the tummy.

Thankfully, this did the trick and we got the photos to prove it...

Say hello to our little monkey.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Quick Update

I've decided to attempt a post even though this is mainly Gordie's thing. So until he posts our ultrasound pictures (which I won't even bother trying to do) here are some pictures. 

My parents got us a sweet stroller (thanks!) and I'm pretty excited about it. Being excited about a stroller makes me feel old, but it's seriously amazing. Maybe someday I'll post a video of its quick fold mechanism...