Monday, June 1, 2009

Just wanted to give everyone a visual of the little furnace living in my tummy. I get pictures emailed to me weekly from a baby site and this one is supposed to be at 26 weeks. I've been feeling lots of kicks and Gordie's even been able to feel a few. As of today, we are 95 days away from our due date.... Crazy!

It's been really hot here for the last week and I am definitely feeling it. Gordie bought a fan last night which seems to help a little but still... I've been daydreaming about air conditioning. Today I went for my gestational diabetes screen so hopefully I won't be getting a call back. I actually enjoyed waiting for the hour between drinking the orange potion and getting my blood drawn, mainly because the building was air conditioned.

Tummy and baby room pictures to come soon! We promise...


  1. Adrienne - congratulations! You and Gordie are going to be such great parents. Children are the most amazing gift from God. Treasure each moment of your pregnancy; it's all so special. And good luck on the diabetes thing, with Brooklyn I had G.D. so that required some food adjustments!

  2. Hey Age, I'v been awake since 5:30 (lovely jetlag) and thought I'd put off some of the work that's been waiting here for me to catch up on your blog.

    Thanks again for picking us up from the airport yesterday. I'm glad the timing was good although after reading this post I am thinking maybe it would have been better if our flight was delayed some more so you could hang out in the air conditioned airport.

    Let me know if you want to go swimming, shopping or browsing in a nice cold museum. Hopefully see you on Sunday!
