Thursday, August 20, 2009

2 More Weeks!

This blog is mainly a picture update, which includes the promised belly shot.... Sorry it's only of my belly, but my hair was just not appropriately styled for a picture. I spent the day cleaning the kitchen - which felt like a sauna - and wasn't really feeling like putting up pictures of myself after that.

As far as the weird "under-belly" pain goes, I am doing much better. Even though I feel better, Gordie and Janna haven't been letting me go to AquaFit, which is somewhat frustrating. My amazing sister (who I love even though she won't let me swim) has been helping me out here and putting up with my extremely anal "nesting" the last little while... I don't really think it's nesting though, it's just me being my normal, freaky self. I don't feel like buying little baby clothes and folding them, I feel like disinfecting things. Yesterday, we cleaned out my kitchen cupboards and finally organized the million little bags of gluten free flours I had stuffed in there (you would appreciate it Sarah). I've been telling myself that I will have to let things go in the organization/cleaning department once the baby comes, but for now I will continue to clean with a vengeance.

We also finally got our crib mattress today, so the baby room is officially complete! I'm not going to post pictures of that today because Gordie has committed to doing a post about the baby room. Someone keep him accountable... I'm glad to have the room done though, because I have a weird feeling the baby will either be early or right on time. Anyone else have any guesses??? After all my tests last week, I'm apparently right on schedule as far as what my body is supposed to be doing to prepare for labor... Hopefully we won't have any baby news until next month!

My latest craigslist find... I'm tempted to just use these baby food trays for ice cubes.

Two of my favorite people, making dinner... I was probably laying on the couch craigslisting at the time.

1 comment:

  1. Who has the sheet of guesses we all made at your baby shower? Someone was passing it around and I hope we kept it to see if I'm right! I think I said it would be a day or 2 early... and a boy... I guess we'll know soon! Can't wait to see more pictures of the nursery even though I've seen it alot it's fun to see it all come together.

    Oh hey, how did your jam making go yesterday?
