Friday, July 31, 2009

I return..

Adrianne has stepped up to the plate for the last few entries and has left me feeling like I could be pulling my blogging weight a little more faithfully - so here goes.

We are just coming through the week of 35+ degree weather that has undoubtedly dominated the conversations of every soul in the lower mainland. It was quite the week. Our house sat at around the same balmy temperature as outside, and needless to say, Adrianne had a blast managing trying to sleep through the night. Our daily ritual consisted of the following:

- up at 5:30, have the first of 3-4 showers of the day
- breakfast (usually a cold smoothie)
- Take Age to work, stopping for an iced S.bucks to maintain the cooler body temp.
- Pick up Age for an Air Conditioned lunch break (as her work is more of a sauna than our house :)
- Home from work, shower
- Age off to AC (Starbucks or the Library)
- Out for dinner / AC.
- Stay out as long as possible.
- Home as late as possible and then another shower
- Age to bed with the following: fan cranking full tilt 2 feet from bed//3 ice packs wedged in between pillows//2 cold, wet towels acting as a blanket :)
- Then up the next morning @ 5:30.

That my friends, was our week. With all of the heat records recently shattered, it looks like the days ahead will be a few degrees closer to normal, so we may not cave on the Air Conditioner just yet..


1 comment:

  1. I hope it's cooler tomorrow when we celebrate the start of Age's mat leave! Looking forward to seeing you guys.
