Saturday, July 18, 2009

Picture Update

Baby bassinet I just bought on craigslist (don't worry, every fabric part comes off and will be properly sanitized).

This is the outfit I bought to bring home baby in, hopefully the baby's not too chunky because this kimono is pretty tiny.

Golden Ears picnic with Brody & Jodie... My first attempt with the maternity bathing suit. I thought I would float in the lake because of my belly, but I am definitely still a sinker.

Granville Island - 6.5 weeks to go...


  1. Yay, as soon as I got home from coffee with you guys I got on your blog to see the pics you said were here. Okay, first I potted my new herb garden but I DO have this blog on my bookmark bar so that should even things out, right?

    a) I love the bassinet, it is even cuter than you described. I know you're worried about the size but having baby up off the ground will give you peace of mind and the style is a thousand times less frilly than anything else out there. Great find.

    b) That kimono is great! He/she can totally wear the leather slippers with it. Okay don't actually do that for us, wait until the kid can do a softshoe in them at least.

    c) Only 6 weeks to go! Ahhh!

  2. Auntie M. better git to sewin!!
