Monday, April 6, 2009

Here we go...

Welcome to the blog. We have decided to join the many others who ambitiously set out to start a blog and then do updates every 6 months saying "sorry it's been so long since I have updated..." except for the fact that we hope not to be one of the many. We have a baby to blog about and are pretty confident that the process of having a baby will be that which has us dedicated to the cause..

To start things off, we have the 'tummy' shot of Adrianne as well as a shot of the first gift that awaits our little family addition. Age found this at a Kid's swap meet last weekend for $2. Bam. Daddy's happy...

Until next time (in the not so distant future...)


  1. Wow! Look at that baby tummy! It makes me even more excited just seeing it! Love you guys! Mom X0X0

  2. Yay! I thought this day would never come: not the baby, the blog! So excited to read how things are going and see pictures and stuff. But most of all we're both so glad we live near you guys (and it's about to get nearer) so we can be in on all the good stuff. Just a hint that you might want to go househunting when you're here, Mom.... :)

  3. I wanted to show Grandma the picture of your belly, she would have liked to see it! Any more news to report on baby?
